On March 01, 2023, an online meeting of representatives of the Commission and international assistance projects working in the field of strengthening the Rule of Law took place, organized with the support of the USAID Justice for All Program. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was represented by the Head of the Legal Department of Commission’s Secretariat Natalia Kidina.
The event was dedicated to discussing a number of important issues of сurrent realities. In particular, Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Iryna Mudra noted that in May 2022, the President of Ukraine signed a decree establishing a Working Group under the President of Ukraine, whose main tasks are to develop and implement international legal mechanisms for compensation for damage caused by the armed aggression of the russian federation and to protect the fundamental rights of Ukrainian citizens. In particular, it was about the introduction of such instruments as reparations, confiscations, and contributions, taking into account international legal mechanisms, international experience, and judicial practice.
Ms. Mudra paid special attention to the important international documents on the support of Ukraine adopted by the UN and the European Union to hold the russian federation accountable for the damage caused by the war and to the Dutch Government’s consent to Ukraine’s proposal to establish an international organization in The Hague - the Register of Damage Caused to Ukraine by russian aggression. It is envisaged that this organization will act comprehensively and in several stages: first of all, the Register will record claims for damages. The next step is to create a compensation commission and a fund that will be filled, among other things, by confiscating russian assets.
Since a large amount of information is expected to be received from the victims, Ms. Deputy Minister emphasized, that the issue of ensuring the security of all information services from cyberattacks and subversive actions of the russian federation will arise. The use of artificial intelligence for data processing and protection is not excluded.
At the end of the meeting, the participants exchanged views on ways to implement this extremely important issue for the country’s reconstruction.
The USAID Justice for All Program has been launched in Ukraine on October 1, 2021, and is implemented to promote the idea of justice for all by strengthening the justice system, justice services and community involvement to ensure an adequate response to the legal problems and needs of Ukrainian people in Judiciary.
The USAID Justice for All Program is built on the achievements of the USAID New Justice Program and uses its achievements to coordinate close cooperation with domestic partners, USAID and US government projects, and other projects of international donor organizations in Ukraine.