On the key aspects of submitting declarations by candidates for participation in the selection process


Please be reminded that a person who has expressed an intention to become a judge must submit to the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine, in particular:

  • a copy of the declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government
  • declaration of family ties of the candidate for the position of judge;
  • a declaration of integrity of the candidate for the position of a judge.

The declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government is submitted through the official NACP portal (in Ukrainian). At the same time, the candidate as a declaring entity has the right to submit a corrected declaration after submitting the previous one, but only once. After submission, the amended declaration must be printed, scanned or saved in PDF format, uploaded to the relevant section of the judicial career cabinet and submitted together with other documents by March 30, 2025 (inclusive).

Please be informed that in case of submission of a corrected declaration of a person authorized to perform the functions of the state or local self-government, the candidate must resubmit the integrity declaration. This is due to the fact that according to clause 3 of the Rules for Completing and Submitting the Integrity Declaration of a Candidate for the Position of a Judge  (in Ukrainian), the integrity declaration  (in Ukrainian) is submitted after submitting the declaration of family ties of the candidate for the position of a judge and the declaration of a person authorized to perform state or local government functions.

The declaration of family ties is submitted in the personal account (in Ukrainian) on the official website of the Commission. Changes or clarifications to the submitted declaration for technical reasons are not allowed. At the same time, the candidate has the right to resubmit the declaration of family ties with the justification of the reasons for the changes/additions in the section “Space for additional information”. The resubmitted declaration must be uploaded from the register of declarations to the relevant section of the judicial career cabinet and submitted together with other documents by March 30, 2025 (inclusive).

In case of repeated submission of the declaration of family ties, the candidate must submit the integrity declaration again.

The following should be taken into account when filling out the declaration of family ties:

  • The declaration shall contain information (surname, name, patronymic; place of work (service); position held; period of service) regarding persons, if such persons held positions specified in clause 8 of the Rules for filling out and submitting the declaration of family ties of a candidate for the position of judge (in Ukrainian);
  • information, in particular, on the affiliation of family members or close persons to the personnel of the intelligence agencies of Ukraine and/or their holding positions related to the direct implementation of operational, investigative, counterintelligence, intelligence activities by such persons, ensuring the security of officials in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On State Protection of State Authorities of Ukraine and Officials”, shall be indicated as “restricted information”;
  • the classification of employees of state bodies (State Tax Service of Ukraine, State Emergency Service, State Special Communications Service, etc.) as law enforcement officers when filling out the declaration of family ties is determined taking into account the provisions of part one of Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On State Protection of Judicial and Law Enforcement Officers”, as well as the legal opinion of the Supreme Court set forth in the decision of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court of August 30, 2023, in case № 633/195/17 (in Ukrainian);
  • if the legal status of a family member and/or a close person of the candidate at the time of filing the declaration has changed and, as a result of such changes, the person has ceased to hold the positions specified in clause 8 of the Rules for Completing and Submitting the Declaration of Family Relations of a Candidate for the Position of Judge (e.g., dismissal, transfer from the position held), the declaration shall indicate the period during which the person held the position;
  • if a person has lost the status of a family member and/or a close relative of the candidate at the time of filing the declaration (for example, in case of divorce), the declaration shall indicate the period during which the person had the status of a family member and/or a close relative of the candidate and held the positions specified in clause 8 of the Rules for Completing and Submitting the Declaration of Family Relations of a Candidate for the Position of Judge;
  • in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption”, the declarant’s close relatives include, in particular, a daughter-in-law. Given the NACP’s clarification, the term “daughter-in-law” is used in this law in the sense of “son’s wife.” The wife of a brother is not a close person within the meaning of the law.

The integrity declaration of a candidate for the position of a judge is also submitted in the personal account (in Ukrainian) on the official website of the Commission. Within the time limit set by the Commission for submitting the integrity declaration, the declarant may correct errors in the declaration by submitting a new one. In this case, the last submitted integrity declaration is considered valid.

Justification of the reasons for submitting a new declaration may be indicated in section III “Additional explanations” of the integrity declaration. The resubmitted declaration must be uploaded from the register of declarations to the relevant section of the judicial career cabinet and submitted together with other documents by March 30, 2025 (inclusive).

Detailed information on the procedure for submitting declarations, peculiarities of their completion and reporting periods can be found at the link (in Ukrainian).

IMPORTANT: If “Submit Documents” and “Sign Documents” functions are activated in the judicial career cabinet, it will be impossible to make changes to declarations.