On July 07, 2021, the online regular meeting of representatives of international assistance projects on strengthening the Rule of Law organized by the USAID New Justice Program took place.
The event was attended by international experts and representatives of the Ukrainian legal community. The High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine was represented by Head of the Legal Department Natalia Kidina and Acting Head of the International Cooperation Division Denys Kuznetsov.
The parties discussed a number of important issues during the meeting. In particular, the Head of the Office of the National Investment Council of Ukraine Olga Magaletska focused on problematic aspects of the commercial dispute resolution system in Ukraine and spoke about the Government’s plans to improve the investment climate in Ukraine and the impact of justice on these processes.
Legal and Judicial Specialist of the USAID New Justice Program Olga Nikolaeva presented results of the Survey of International and Domestic Businesses on Commercial Dispute Resolution in Ukraine Conducted in January – February 2021.
The following speakers joined the discussion: Professor at Stockholm University, Former Vice President of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Patricia Shaughnessy; Senior Lecturer at Stockholm University, Former Secretary-General of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the American Chamber of Commerce in Brazil Crina Baltag; Co-chair of the European Center for Dispute Resolution, former Minister of Justice of the Republic of Slovenia Aleš Zalar.
The Head of the Legal Reform Commission under the President of Ukraine, MP Sergii Ionushas, informed the participants of the online meeting about the Areas and Priorities of Legal Reform Commission’s cooperation with Donors in Developing an Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy on Development of the Justice System and Constitutional Proceedings for 2021 – 2023.
Peculiarities of future projects and programs were also discussed.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) New Justice Program has been operating in Ukraine since October 2016.
The Program is aimed to support the Judiciary, Government, Parliament, Civil Society, and the people of Ukraine in the implementation of judicial reform.