On January 18, 2024, the plenary session of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine considered the issue of correspondence of judges of local and appellate courts to their positions held.
In accordance with paragraph two, part one of Article 88 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judiciary and the Status of Judges”, the decision to confirm the ability of a judge (candidate for the position of a judge) to administer justice in the relevant court shall enter into force from the date of adoption of this decision if it is supported by two-thirds of the votes of the appointed members of the Commission, but not less than nine votes.
Based on the results of the meeting, the Commission made the following decisions:
Name of the judge
Name of the court
Oleksandr Lutsenko
Obolonskyi District Court of Kyiv City
Olena Kovalchuk
Khmelnytskyi Circuit Administrative Court
Announced a break
Roman Molodetskyi
Poltava Circuit Administrative Court
Corresponds to the position held.
To submit a recommendation to the High Council of Justice on the appointment of a judge.
Nataliia Sharko
Henicheskyi Raion Court of Kherson Oblast
Olena Izovitova-Vakim
Kharkiv Circuit Administrative Court
Does not correspond to the position held.
To submit a motion to the High Council of Justice to dismiss a judge from her position
Ada Pedenko
Solomianskyi District Court of Kyiv City
Corresponds to the position held.
To submit a recommendation to the High Council of Justice on the appointment of a judge
Daria Lunova
Lysychanskyi Town Court of Luhansk Oblast
Corresponds to the position held.
To submit a recommendation to the High Council of Justice on the appointment of a judge